Friday, May 23, 2008

Editorial Spreads , Graphic Arts and Typography

Alright We all had an issue of Failed Hard drives. So that has happened to me last November and me being foolish and trusting in Mac computers way too much i felt comfortable without backing up any of my data haha. Yea I learned it hard way I lost bunch of my school projects as well as freelance work that I've done and out of my laziness once I got my computer back i didn't feel like redesigning them .

However I manged to reestablish two of my favorite layouts. This one I've done in my advanced Typography class we had to watch out for Orphans and Widows and all that good stuff on top of that it had to look real classy and edgy in a same time.




And this little front page layout was done at my Internship at the USA Today.

Its not really my style but, As a Graphic Designer you need to interpret clients wishes,and make them happy. And of course at the end you will feel full of Joy, once you receive that Pay check.
This is quickly Re designed but it looks
very similar to an original.

Thank you for watching and enjoy your folks.


Lisa Raymond said...

Hi Nick! You mention you did the layouts in Advanced Typography. Are you a student? If so, where do you study, and how much longer until you graduate?

I am also a student/graphic artist currently working toward my BA in Web Design/Multimedia. I have a blog: Ironically we have the same layout (hey, great minds think alike!) Hope to hear back from you!

Lisa Raymond said...
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