Sunday, May 18, 2008

Conclusion of the weekend ... wait a sec it aint over yet.

Where do I start first , ahhh Friday night rainy day off from work! So i got in touch with Jon and Dasha they always know whats going on in the city so i hung out with them that day. We went to some party house at park slope which was pretty decent but it wasn't extraordinary or anything . While me Jon and Dasha got there around 8 o clock Will got there around 11 and stuff.There was bands playing in a living room which was legit, not really my kind of music but interesting vibe worth check out , First band was this all female instrumental band they where good. Band after I wasn't really feeling. I got pretty tipsy around 1 am as party died out I started passing out Willy was the only one as usually who was mingling with ladies all night long. I only talked to few people yet they had nothing to say.

So as weekend went along last morning i woke up my head was REALLY BIG at least it felt that way. I stepped out of my room walked up on my roof top got some fresh air and as soon as i had some coffee and food i started dialing digits and figuring what to do. Of course its Tri state so all the best things are happening at once so it took me and Will real long time to figure out what to do .Finally we decided to go to New Brunswick so we did . First we checked out Mc Cormacks on Hamilton then afterward we rolled up to Nikkis old House on Louis street , oh yea shes actually going to be living there once again which is Nice. We just hung around her front porch and drank a few beers, in mean time familiar faces showed up and we all hung out like its 1999 and stuff .ehhe.

Eventually we ran out of things to do so Me Nikki and Will went out and picked up our friend Lisa she brought us to this CRAZY Dive bar! It was raw as all hell second i walked in there. This big biker guy came up to me and said : "Dude No offense but I shouldn't wear that bandanna if I was in a fight". I was like woah dang so i didn't wanna drag more attention so I took it off. Bar was JUST about to close down so bartender took us in storage where we could still all hang out and drink. Twenty minutes into it he came back and said 911 everybody gotta leave as we walked out this crazy dude was arguing with this biker guy that confronted me earlier, at this point i knew this was a time where things had to come to a close.Will and I walked into his car and drove to a new Location which is Nikkie's and Lisa's friends house . We hung around there for few hours listened to some tunes.Me and Simon had a blast talking about the old days and funny uncomfortable circumstances.

Time was for us to leave it was already light out and we were hungry so we stopped by quick check. As we are waiting in line the same guy that was starting a fight at the bar earlier was at quick check.Me and Will start laughing out we didn't know he was with somebody else I dont know if he noticed us talking about him. As will walked out this other from outside was like; "Hey Do you think that's funny?" and Will was like; "Funny What" and I knew the whole deal so guy said "OHHH not so funny anymore walk away ". This guy was in his late 30s he could of taken us easy, especially if his friend joined in we would of been done for good.

Me and Will got in a car and drove away laughing hysterically, if we stayed few seconds longer we could of been seriously injured. On the whole way to my house I passed out in car and somehow managed to direct Will to my home. Ahh These were some interesting times.

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