Saturday, July 26, 2008

~Effigies Show in NYC~

Alright Punk rock Legends from Chicago played in Brooklyn last night. I only own one album by them; " Ink. It really got me exited and, blew my mind away so, I had to go see them. I didn't expect much from the show; today's youth barely bothers to check out real muscly talented punk bands. They just want to hear whats current and In Style yet it has no cultural value. Show was held at Southpaw Brooklyn,NY on 5th Ave in Park Slope.

I didn't expect it to be a big crowd at the show. It was mostly people in their late twenties, mid thirties and bunch of people in their forties, which I am glad to see that someone that age still goes back to their roots and listens to good music. Of course they started their set of with song called;"Below the Drop" and crowd kicked in right away it was great. They played several new songs which weren't so bad, I am about to buy their new album as soon as I get my next paycheck. Set lasted around forty five to fifty minutes, nobody I knew was there but I didn't mind. None of my friends bothered to come with me which doesn't really stop me from having a good time.

Ohhh PS:
Speaking of Lonelyness; When I first got at the venue around 9:00 pm Eastern NOBODY WAS THERE doors didnt even open up. I decided to play it Nick's style, I went to a super market and got three beers and called up my friend Jon Dahl. I figured he lived close by since neighbourhood looked familiar so it was worth a shot. He was glad to hear from me and let me drank at his place which i apricated since that saved me bunch of $$ which I saved instead of blowing fifty dollars on beer at the bar where I had noone to talk to.

Conclusion is here, Nick has seen: The Effigies, Got to hang out with his friends, and got WASTED .
HaHa the rest you know!
Have a great weekend people and Live your Life!

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