Thursday, November 22, 2007

Revival of my working skills !

So hello there once again. I didn't write for a while since I been very busy these past few months. And then again i should of still took some time to write a blog or two but I didn't. I been pulling so many hours working two jobs it was ridiculous. speaking of jobs....

So It was August last time i wrote something back then i was penny less and disparate to find any kinda job and nothing was going on. So i found this gig city which was nice little pocket change but still not enough to make a living . And then on September 17 the day i got my drivers license strange thing happened. So i am in line at the motor Vehicle facility in Lodi ,New jersey waiting for my id to get printed and all the sudden phone rings.I don't usually pick up the calls of numbers that i don't know but this was different, since it was real early i know it was important call either a job offer or emergency. I picked up and the recruiter of an agency that i signed up for was on the line it took me a while to figure out which staffing agency it was since i signed up with few. So there it goes the same day i got licence i got my first design gig in Clifton New jersey. I was like oh boy this is good i feel like million dollars i cant believe this is happening . All summer it was nothing all i did was stay at home and pound on my play station since i didn't have much money to be hanging out at bars and so, and now i got two positive hits in one day. Life really comes at you by surprise. Just like bad things add up, one after another so do good things.

So busy times came. There has been so many things that happened this fall but it would take me two days to write it all maybe even more. All i have to say is that from this fall i really good great working experience. Speaking off that school ... yeah right I mean i learned alot in my high school and collage but no school cant teach you anything that goes on in real working environment. Only way to learn skill is to be around it on the field and network with people that are same profession as you. Regardless of their trade white or blue collar.

So I have to end this post soon because i am thinking about way too many things and ill end up just jumping from one subject to another.I'll try to be on blog more often so this random summarization of a whole 3 month period doesn't happen again. All i gotta say is Happy Thanksgiving and folks don't give up no matter whats the situation.

peace !

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