Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hemp Ale, Recreational Work

Here we have, some of my recreational Corporate Identity for Alcoholic Beverage.
I had a lot of fun doing this, it motivated me to do more art work the next day. I enjoy using Monochromatic color scheme however eventually I shall incorporate my work with Complimentary color mix as well. This company initially asked designers in past to redesign their packaging having in mind older adults age range of 25-30 that have a healthy life style so I came up with this.

This are sketches for the logo i came up with before hitting up a computer.

Out of all those this was my decision, I used my best judgment by picking something that has relaxing flow and that older adults can relate to.

And here we have final Vector logo.
I enjoyed making this especially working with textured lettering.

Here are sketches of Packaging stickers unfortunately i didn't pick any of them,
yet they did help me brain storm and achieve my final piece.

This is my design solution I came up with. This beverage is focused for serious focused and laid back individuals in their late twenties and mid thirties so i had that on my mind and added some really dry flavor to it.

And of course just to get a right feel it has to be presented with one tasty beverage.

Until next time people keep it busy: read, invent, go out ,
smile and enjoy life.

Feel Free to Comment and Critique.


Yes, I am in my design mode again, I got influenced from something I saw few days ago, so I composed this piece in order to see how far I can push and I must say my technical skills are not as rusty as they use to be.
So here ya go folks not for nothing but you must say that my composition skills are getting better from day to day.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Belated New Years and detail about the end of Myspace

Hello it's been a while since my last post. I must say i am free now. I got rid of all of unnecessary SO CALLED " FRIENDS" sites that been stealing my precious time and creativity away from me. I had few and they are all scrapped for my life. I feel like i was washed with a nice cold bucket of water and last night i bought a six pack to celebrate ending of these terrific distractions.

It started off years ago with friendster which was very primitive version of myspace noone cought on to it because of its terrible interface but when myspace came out that was like an explosion. Literally everyone was on it people stopped asking each other for numbers everyone was exchanging their myspaces adresses for while i tought I was part of this click, but then i came to realize; " Hmm If I am always on computer seeking to find people that I've just met last night what kind of social network am I buiding fictional or realistic"

People use to be way more social before myspace so I 've decided to scrap it out of my life. I think that there is conspiracy theory behind it. Its almost as if like government wants us to be on myspace
and dull our brains with it while we sit home get fat eating big bags of chips, and dont do anything productive.

Thats it for now, step out make something
of life and put stop to new era of distraction and mind manipulation networks.