Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tape Culture and Mix Tapes shall never Die!

Okey so I said it many times and I'll say it again .
Mp3s can never match the charm and memories that old tapes have: Every pop, every noise, every mess up you make while making that mix is noticeable and engraved into your memory that every time you listen to that old tape you said
to your self;" Oh Thats the Summer my I bought my first car or Thats the summer Laura broke my heart".
You get the point I am not saying anyone shall change their ways I am just expressing my feelings if you have old tapes laying around your house pop them into your stereo ( If you still have one ) and you will see what i mean.

1 comment:

dj trish said...

I agree.Althought I do love making CD mixes I do go back into my archives and listen to ye old tape!!
check out MY blog!